The astrologer was a middle aged gentleman anf the guided us to incredibly floor of his house, where had been a visitors hall. We waited there, may be for two hours, as he was busy with his other companies. He came to us later. He took the thumb impression of my friend. Not to become left behind, I gave my thumb impression also, being very curious about all these unearthly holidays. The astrologer advised us to come the next day, in an appointed hour, after collecting a fee as an expression payment.
“Every movement in the marketplace is the result of a natural law and for the cause which exists prior to the effect takes place and can be established years upfront. The Future is but a repetition among the past, as the Bible plainly states: Those things hath been, it may be that which shall be; as well as which is done, generally that which are done, and there is no new thing under sunlight.” Eccl.1.9.
There kind that maliciously choose to terminate their life in order to instill guilt and pain upon others. They, too, get their life and death review and private lessons to process. It’s not at all for us to judge them in human levels. Perhaps you contracted to learn forgiveness or learn with the human emotion of guilt, and these facilitating that lesson. Again, the lesson is about letting go of the pain, the guilt, the anguish, because that may be the answer to, “Why did they get it done?” For all of us to learn something, although it a “God Minute” to comprehend the reasons, but eventually we will comprehend this is.
I can easily say that the palm leaf reader promised me a far more exciting future. About basis alone he hunting much more worth his huge transaction. My mother is so disappointed the woman’s reading that they throws it in the garbage. Is actually most vexed by means he has written that for one period of energy and time she in order to be kind and loving and so for the subsequent period of time and energy she can nasty and show bitter thinkings.
By September the summer Sun is fading, and crops are able to be harvested. Virgos have none of the fiery dominance of their summer predecessor, the Lion. They far more reserved people who don’t boast about themselves or behave flamboyantly. They are quietly reliable, attending for the smallest information of any project in an organized way, making them good lawyers, doctors, and scientists. That trait can be carried with fault when they fail to determine the bigger picture. They are definitely intelligent and analytical than emotional, which serves them well in complex tasks but stops them from establishing deep relationships. Virgos are practical people, good with their hands, and combining those qualities their own attention to detail they might excel in professions as jewelers and dentists.
Are that you just serial clientele? One who goes from one practitioner to a different seeking responses that seem so elusive? There is no problem in hearing an extra opinion and certainly you must find an lost problem solution with which team you resonate. Becoming said said, please resist running down your last astrologer in submitting to directories sentence within your mouth to some present astrologer. He or she will immediately become wary individual and can only guess your upcoming comments about them in your future consultant’s office.
It is time to leave the industry of words and enter the realm of Energies. We live move and have our being within a Quantum Ocean of infinite intelligent staying power. We do not live in a Quantum Ocean of Words, although we bombarded with words (even subliminally) from 24/7.